Winnipesaukee (win-e-puh-saw'-kee), New Hampshire's largest lake, is glacier formed and spring fed. Surrounded by 3 mountain ranges, the lake is 504 feet above sea level. It is approximately 25 miles long 15 miles wide, covers 72 square miles and contains more than 240 habitable islands. The lake's wooded shoreline and crystal clear water makes it a popular summer resort, and visitors from all over the world come to rest and relax in its beautiful surroundings. The M/S Mount Washington and her sister vessels have regular departures from the following ports of call.
Dock Address |
211 Lakeside Avenue, Laconia |
Longitude & Latitude |
Longitude: 43.607047 |
Weirs Beach (Laconia)
Weirs Beach represents its own era in American history. It has a certain amusement park nostalgia, right down to the blinking neon sign on Rt.3 that directs you to the beach itself. We love this sign, you just can't miss Weirs Beach. Here you can stroll the boardwalk while enjoying the beautiful views of the lake. As the name implies there is a public beach, town docks, arcades, waterslides, and the area's only Drive-In theater, specializing in double-features. At the center of the boardwalk is what looks like a railroad station, although it is really the building that houses the M/S Mount Washington ticket office, gift shop and snack bar. Notable events for Weirs Beach are weekly fireworks displays throughout the summer. Mount Washington Cruises has 3 boats and numerous cruises from Weirs Beach each day.
From I-93 take Exit 23, Rte. 104 East towards Meredith and continue for 8 miles. At the end of the road turn right on to Rte. 3 South and follow for 3.5 miles until you see the sign for Weirs Beach on your left. Turn left at the sign. The Mount Washington ticket office is located in the center of the boardwalk at the Railroad Station.
Dock Address |
11 Dockside Street, Wolfeboro |
Longitude & Latitude |
Longitude: 43.584062 |
Wolfeboro prides itself on being the oldest summer resort in the country. It was the vacation spot for colonial Governor John Wentworth in 1764, and today Wolfeboro is one of the lake's busiest ports. A lovely little town full of galleries, stores and restaurants, it's been said that there is something for everyone in Wolfeboro. Wolfeboro is also the home of Brewster Academy, one of the regions most prestigious private schools. Overlooking Wolfeboro Bay, Brewster Academy has been open to students since 1818 and has taught a number of successful individuals, including a U.S. Vice President.
From the South, take Rte. I-95 North to the Portsmouth Traffic Circle. Go North on Spaulding Turnpike/ Rte. 16 and take Exit 15 (Lake Winnipesaukee) to Rte. 11 West. At the Alton Traffic Circle, take Rte. 28 North to the center of Wolfeboro. Our dock is located next to the town docks near Cate Park. Note: Exit 15 comes up suddenly, be on the look-out. From the North, take Rt. 28 South off Rt. 16.
Dock Address |
289 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith |
Longitude & Latitude |
Longitude: 43.655531 |
The quaint village of Meredith, also called the "Latchkey to the White Mountains," is home to the famed Mill Falls Marketplace with its many unique shops and restaurants. Located at the intersection of Routes 3 & 25, the marketplace overlooks picturesque Meredith Bay and has its own waterfall, brick walkways, shaded benches and beautiful flowers. Many more shops line Main Street and there are more than a dozen local restaurants, all a convenient walk from the town docks. Notable locations in Meredith include the Inns & Spa at Mill Falls (four wonderful country inns surrounding the Meredith Bay shoreline all with their own restaurant), Hart's Turkey Farm, the Annalee Dolls Gift Shop, and the Town Docks Restaurant, where you can sit outside by the lake and eat in a casual atmosphere while the little kids play in the sand.
From I-93 take Exit 23, Rte. 104 East towards Meredith and continue for 8 miles. At the end of the road turn left onto Rte. 3 North. Proceed down the hill until you see the lake on your right. The M/S Mount Washington dock is next to the Town Docks Restaurant.
Dock Address |
66 Mount Major Highway, Alton Bay |
Longitude & Latitude |
Longitude: 43.473152 |
Alton Bay
Alton, a township located at the southern extremity of Lake Winnipesaukee, reflects back over 175 years and is considered one of the oldest ports of shipping on the lake. A special feature is the bandstand, which is located in the middle of the Alton Bay. Alton Bay is also the birthplace of the Mount Washington Cruise Ship as the side-wheeler was launched here in 1872. The MOUNT will be stopping and taking on passengers in Alton every Sunday. There will be a Sunday Brunch buffet available on board.
Take Rte. I-95 North to the Portsmouth Traffic Circle. Go North on Spaulding Turnpike/ Rte. 16 and take Exit 15 (Lake Winnipesaukee) to Rte. 11 West. Stay on Rte. 11 through the Alton Traffic Circle and follow to Alton Bay. Our dock is located next to the Alton Bay information booth.
Dock Address |
30 Lake Street, Center Harbor |
Longitude & Latitude |
Longitude: 43.708323 |
Center Harbor
Located in a beautiful setting on Lake Winnipesaukee's northern shoreline, Center Harbor is the winter home of the M/S Mount Washington. The company shipyard is located on Lake Street, adjacent to the town docks and beach. Throughout the holiday season the Mount is an attraction at her dock, where she is decorated for the season with festive holiday lights.
From I-93 take Exit 23, Rte. 104 East towards Meredith and continue for 8 miles. At the end of the road turn left onto Rte. 3 North to the next traffic light by the intersection of routes 3 & 25. Turn right onto Rte. 25 North and follow until you get to Center Harbor (approximately 5 miles). Before the traffic light in Center Harbor, turn right onto Lake Street. You will find us next to the red building near the town beach.